


COCUNAT S.L. with registered office at: Calle Folgueroles, number 17-25 (08022) Barcelona, holder of CIF B-66100793 (hereinafter COCUNAT) is solely responsible for the draw to Mauritius.


This promotion aims to give a prize to the brand's buyers during the promotional period.


The promotion will run from June 25 to July 14, 2024 (inclusive) in all countries where COCUNAT has distribution.


To be eligible for the sweepstakes, participants must be over 18 years of age and legally resident in any country where Cocunat products are distributed.

To be eligible to win, you must make a purchase at during the promotional period. By making a purchase, you will be entered into the sweepstakes.

Employees and/or owners of the organizing companies and their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are not allowed to participate in this sweepstakes.

COCUNAT reserves the right to exclude from the Promotion any participant who manipulates the registration procedures and/or violates any of the provisions set forth herein. Likewise, it reserves the right to verify, by any procedure it deems appropriate, that the winners comply with all the requirements set forth herein and that the information provided is accurate, correct and truthful. Participants may be asked, among others, for original documentation proving compliance with the requirements. Failure to submit this documentation may result in the disqualification of the participant.

Participation in the sweepstakes implies unreserved acceptance of these rules and the submission to COCUNAT's criteria for the resolution of any issue arising from them.


To participate in the drawing, you must:

Make a purchase at or at the brand's physical stores from 06/25/2024 to 06/14/2024.

Those who have registered via landing page or Early Access form will have access to the draw as of 6/24/2024.

Each purchase is equivalent to one (1) participation in the sweepstakes.

Applications that do not comply with the conditions of the promotion or that contain incorrect or erroneous data will be considered invalid and cannot be included in the sweepstakes.

Participants may submit claims by sending an email to [email protected] from the start date of the promotion until one month after the end of the promotion, i.e. until August 14, 2024. Once this period has elapsed, no claims of any kind will be accepted regarding the sweepstakes and its prizes.

COCUNAT reserves the right to exclude from the Promotion any participant who manipulates the registration procedures and/or violates any of the provisions set forth herein. Likewise, it reserves the right to verify, by any procedure it deems appropriate, that the winners comply with all the requirements set forth herein and that the information provided is accurate, correct and truthful. Participants may be asked, among others, for original documentation proving compliance with the requirements. Failure to submit this documentation may result in the disqualification of the participant.

Participation in the sweepstakes implies unreserved acceptance of these rules and the submission to COCUNAT's criteria for the resolution of any issue arising from them.


All entries received during the promotional period will be entered directly into a drawing to be held on July 16, 2023.

A random number will be drawn through the application The entry that matches the number drawn will be declared the winner of the Mauritius trip draw. Another 3 participations will also be drawn and will be kept on hold.



The prize of this promotion is a 9 days/7 nights trip for 2 people to Mauritius valued at 3.000€.

Award conditions:

9 days/7 nights trip for 2 persons over 18 years old to Mauritius (exact destination to be confirmed).

Round trip flight to the defined destination.

Pick up and transfer from the airport to the hotel and vice versa.

All inclusive stay in a 4 star hotel 4 star hotel on bed and breakfast basis.

Travel insurance

Destination Assistance

The validity period of the award is until 08/31/2025.

Does not include:

Connections with the airport of origin.

Entry and exit fees as well as any fees related to documentation.

Transfers and activities at destination.

In the event that the final value of the prize is greater than the amount stated herein, the winner will be responsible for any extra expenses and must arrange them directly with the travel agency.


COCUNAT will send an email on July 18 to the email address provided in the purchase order.

The potential winner of the trip to Mauritius must confirm acceptance of the prize within a maximum period of 3 calendar days from the sending of the notification email, providing the personal data of his/her companion and the ID of both. The companion must be of legal age.

Once the documentation has been received, COCUNAT will contact the winner again to deliver the letter of acceptance of the prize. The potential winner must complete and return it within 3 days.


If the participant does not return the documentation within the indicated period or does not complete it correctly, it will be understood that he/she renounces the prize. In this case, COCUNAT will contact the first person on the waiting list and so on until one of the 3 people on the waiting list accepts the prize. If none of these 3 persons accepts the prize, the prize will not be awarded.

Seats are subject to availability. Travel request and confirmation must be made 30 calendar days prior to flight departure.


In accordance with current legislation on data protection, personal data provided by participants will be processed for the purpose of managing the sweepstakes, delivering and managing the prize and, where appropriate, publishing their data. Refusal to provide personal data will make it impossible to participate in the sweepstakes.

The data entered must be truthful and complete. In the event that the personal data is false, incomplete or not updated, COCUNAT shall be exonerated from liability in these specific cases, for not complying with the requirements set forth herein and it shall be understood that they are not valid in the event of winning a prize.

Likewise, and in order to manage your participation in this sweepstakes, the data may be processed by third party companies that manage the sweepstakes or provide services or the prize itself. Such data will only be used for these purposes and no commercial action will be carried out with them.

The data of participants who accept the sending of commercial communications by COCUNAT will be incorporated into the company's database for the purpose of managing their relationship with the

brand, responding to queries and sending personalized communications.

Any user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability by sending an e-mail to COCUNAT at [email protected] indicating the reason for the request and the right they wish to exercise. If we need to identify you, we may ask you to provide us with a copy of a document proving your identity. More information on the use and processing of your data is available at:


COCUNAT is not responsible for the cancellation or modification of any aspect of the prizes by travel agencies or other operators.

COCUNAT shall not be liable to the winner in the event that he/she cannot benefit, in whole or in part, from the prize for reasons attributable to the winner himself/herself.

COCUNAT declines all responsibility in case of incomplete, damaged or out of time participations, as well as for technical difficulties that prevent participation in the draw.

COCUNAT declines all responsibility for any aspect of the Prize that may be lost, deteriorated, delayed or not reach the winner before the date on which he/she must use the prize.

COCUNAT and the companies collaborating in this sweepstakes are not responsible for damages of any nature that may occur on the occasion or as a result of the enjoyment of the prize.

COCUNAT reserves the right to modify, suspend and amend these rules, as well as the organization and/or management of this sweepstakes.


The mere participation in the sweepstakes implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions. Should the participant state otherwise, he/she will be excluded from the sweepstakes and COCUNAT will be released from its obligations to said participant.

In the event of any controversy that may arise in the interpretation and application of these rules, COCUNAT and the participant expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Barcelona, June 12, 2024.